I need services now and am in crisis
If you are having suicidal ideation, feel like you are going to hurt yourself or someone else, there are other available resources for you. Contact 988 for mental health emergencies.
In WV you can contact 211 for help in recieving and finding services.
In Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan Counties adults may contact Eastridge Health Systems Mobile Crisis Unit 24/7. That phone number is 1-855-807-1258. The Child and Adolescent Mobile Crisis Unit in those counties and surrounding areas is 1-844-help4wv or 304-596-2110.
The Domestic Violence Hotline is 800-799-7233.
Do you currently have a waitlist?
Our goal is to turn off the ability to make a referral if we are not accepting clients and to list it on our website; however, because we run our own website, we may not always remember to do that. If for some reason you submit a referral and cannot be seen we will contact you and let you know. We will also provide you with a list of providers in the area that might be able to meet your needs. If you have questions because the ability to submit a referral has been turned off and you want clarification, you may contact Rachel at 240-406-9339 or email at luminousselfpllc@gmail.com
We do not provide timeframes for when we will be able to take on new clients.
How often will I have to come to sessions?
Your treatment will depend on your medical necessity and what is feasible for you to be able to do. You and your therapist will collaborate on what works best for you.
Do you do telehealth?
Telehealth is provided on a case by case basis. It is offered for adults that have safe spaces to conduct sessions. Your Luminous Self provider is available for telehealth in both West Virginia and Virginia.
In instances where telehealth does not seem appropriate or conducive to treatment, your therapist will have that discussion with you and refer you somewhere else if you cannot be seen in house.
Do you prescribe medications?
No. We are Licensed Independent Clinical Social Workers. We cannot prescribe medications, but we will provide you with resources to inquire about medications if you would like to explore those options. Medications are a personal choice and should always be discussed with a prescribing physician.
Do you provide treatment for Autism?
Your provider will see clients that are diagnosed on the spectrum. Your provider will not diagnose autism and will refer you or your child for a neuropsychological evaluation and/or work with your doctor to have you referred for an assessment to make a determination on that diagnosis. We do not specifically treat autism, but many of the co-occurring diagnosis that accompany it. We are not a facility that offers ABA services.
Do you provide emergency sessions/services?
We are contracted with some insurance companies to have an on call and after hours line. Once you are a client, you will have access to your therapist 24/7 in the event of an emergency. It is important to note-this is a solo practice, so your provider will not always pick up the phone and you will work with them to create a safety plan that works for you if you need it. You can expect that your provider will contact you within a reasonable time once notification has been recieved.
If you need the after hours number and services, your provider will aid you for crisis services and provide and emergency assessment to determine need for higher level of care, continued safety planning, and/or skill practice for the emergency.
Do you specialize in LGBTQ+?
While we do not specialize in LGBTQ; however, by practice and ethics, believe that everyone is welcome, and will work with you through your journey. THIS IS A SAFE SPACE to be who you are, love who you love, and to be curious about your Self.
In cases where folks are transitioning, it is my recommendation that you be seen by someone that specializes; however, access to those services can be difficult, and we would be willing to work with any member of the community to find a practioner that is much more knowledgeable in the area of transitioning.